Dependency Injection in MVVM Architecture with ReactiveCocoa Part 5: Asynchronous Image Load

Sep 10, 2015   #swinject  #dependency-injection  #mvvm  #reactivecocoa  #swift  #alamofire 
  • Updated on Jan 7, 2016 to remove notice about pre-release version of ReactiveCocoa v4.0.0.
  • Updated on Nov 20, 2015 to migrate to ReactiveCocoa v4.0.0 alpha 3 and Alamofire v3.x.
  • Updated on Oct 1, 2015 for the release versions of Swift 2 and Xcode 7.

By the previous blog post, we developed an example app, in MVVM architecture, displaying meta data of images received from Pixabay server. In this blog post, we are going add a feature to asynchronously load the images. To handle the asynchronous events, ReactiveCocoa will be used as we did in the previous posts. Through the development, we will learn how to add a feature in MVVM architecture with unit tests and dependency injection are updated.

The source code used in the blog posts is available at:


First, we are going to add the feature to request an image to our Model. Add requestImage method to Networking protocol. The method takes an image URL and returns a SignalProducer instance to send the image.


import ReactiveCocoa

public protocol Networking {
    // Omitted

    func requestImage(url: String) -> SignalProducer<UIImage, NetworkError>

Modify Network class to implement requestImage method. In the method, the initializer of SignalProducer with a trailing closure is used to convert an asynchronous response of Alamofire to a Signal of ReactiveCocoa. If the response is successful and its data are valid, .Next and .Completed events are sent to observer. Otherwise an .Failed event is sent. Because the response of Alamofire runs in the main thread by default, a serial queue is passed to Alamofire.


import ReactiveCocoa
import Alamofire

public final class Network: Networking {
    private let queue = dispatch_queue_create(

    // Omitted

    public func requestImage(url: String) -> SignalProducer<UIImage, NetworkError> {
        return SignalProducer { observer, disposable in
            let serializer = Alamofire.Request.dataResponseSerializer()
            Alamofire.request(.GET, url)
                .response(queue: self.queue, responseSerializer: serializer) {
                    response in
                    switch response.result {
                    case .Success(let data):
                        guard let image = UIImage(data: data) else {
                    case .Failure(let error):
                        observer.sendFailed(NetworkError(error: error))

Update stubs used in ImageSearchSpec since requestImage method was added to Networking protocol. Because requestImage method is not used in the unit tests, each stub method just returns an empty SignalProducer.


import Quick
import Nimble
import ReactiveCocoa
@testable import ExampleModel

class ImageSearchSpec: QuickSpec {
    // MARK: Stub
    class GoodStubNetwork: Networking {
        // Omitted

        func requestImage(url: String) -> SignalProducer<UIImage, NetworkError> {
            return SignalProducer.empty

    class BadStubNetwork: Networking {
        // Omitted

        func requestImage(url: String) -> SignalProducer<UIImage, NetworkError> {
            return SignalProducer.empty

    class ErrorStubNetwork: Networking {
        // Omitted

        func requestImage(url: String) -> SignalProducer<UIImage, NetworkError> {
            return SignalProducer.empty

    // Omitted

Add unit tests to NetworkSpec to check the new requestImage method. As a stable server for the tests, is used.


import Quick
import Nimble
@testable import ExampleModel

class NetworkSpec: QuickSpec {
    override func spec() {
        var network: Network!
        beforeEach {
            network = Network()

        // Omitted

        describe("Image") {
            it("eventually gets an image.") {
                var image: UIImage?
                    .on(next: { image = $0 })

                expect(image).toEventuallyNot(beNil(), timeout: 5)
            it("eventually gets an error if incorrect data for an image is returned.") {
                var error: NetworkError?
                    .on(failed: { error = $0 })

                    equal(NetworkError.IncorrectDataReturned), timeout: 5)
            it("eventually gets an error if the network has a problem.") {
                var error: NetworkError? = nil
                    .on(failed: { error = $0 })

                    equal(NetworkError.NotReachedServer), timeout: 5)

The first test checks that Network returns an image asynchronously as a successful case. The second test checks that Network sends NetworkError.IncorrectDataReturned error if non-image data are returned from the server. The third test checks that an error from Alamofire is converted to its corresponding NetworkError and passed through the Network instance.

Type Command-U to run the unit tests.


Let’s move on to our ViewModel to receive the image from Model and to handle it for View. At the beginning, add RACUtil.swift with the following content to ExampleViewModel group. Make sure that it is added to ExampleViewModel target when you save them.


import Foundation
import ReactiveCocoa

internal extension NSObject {
    internal var racutil_willDeallocProducer: SignalProducer<(), NoError>  {
        return self.rac_willDeallocSignal()
            .map { _ in }
            .flatMapError { _ in SignalProducer(value: ()) }

In the extension to NSObject, rac_willDeallocSignal is mapped to a SignalProducer that sends an event with an empty tuple when an object is being deallocated. We add the extension here because ReactiveCocoa Swift APIs still do not have an extension equivalent to rac_willDeallocSignal supported by Objective-C APIs. toSignalProducer is used to convert the Objective-C Signal to Swift SignalProducer, and map and flatMapError are used to transform the event and error types.

Add getPreviewImage method to ImageSearchTableViewCellModeling protocol and ImageSearchTableViewCellModel class as followings.


import ReactiveCocoa

public protocol ImageSearchTableViewCellModeling {
    var id: UInt64 { get }
    var pageImageSizeText: String { get }
    var tagText: String { get }

    func getPreviewImage() -> SignalProducer<UIImage?, NoError>


import ReactiveCocoa
import ExampleModel

public final class ImageSearchTableViewCellModel
    : NSObject, ImageSearchTableViewCellModeling
    public let id: UInt64
    public let pageImageSizeText: String
    public let tagText: String

    private let network: Networking
    private let previewURL: String
    private var previewImage: UIImage?

    internal init(image: ImageEntity, network: Networking) {
        id =
        pageImageSizeText = "\(image.pageImageWidth) x \(image.pageImageHeight)"
        tagText = image.tags.joinWithSeparator(", ") = network
        previewURL = image.previewURL


    public func getPreviewImage() -> SignalProducer<UIImage?, NoError> {
        if let previewImage = self.previewImage {
            return SignalProducer(value: previewImage).observeOn(UIScheduler())
        else {
            let imageProducer = network.requestImage(previewURL)
                .on(next: { self.previewImage = $0 })
                .map { $0 as UIImage? }
                .flatMapError { _ in SignalProducer<UIImage?, NoError>(value: nil) }

            return SignalProducer(value: nil)

getPreviewImage method returns a SignalProducer instance sending UIImage. A cached image, as previewImage property, is wrapped in an SignalProducer instance if the cache exists. Otherwise, another SignalProducer that requests an image to Networking is returned.

The latter SignalProducer consists of two parts concatenated by concat method. The first part is SignalProducer(value: nil), which sends nil then completes immediately. The nil is sent at the beginning to clear an old image displayed in the UIImageView on a reused cell. The second part is imageProducer, which requests the image to Networking. In the second part, an error is mapped to nil by flatMapError to ignore the error because no error message should be displayed for each cell. To terminate the signal producer when the ImageSearchTableViewCellModel instance is deallocated, takeUntil method is called with racutil_willDeallocProducer. To use the NSObject extension, ImageSearchTableViewCellModel inherits NSObject.

Modify ImageSearchTableViewModel to pass a Networking instance as below. A parameter is added to its initializer to get Networking instance injected. The instance is passed to the initializer of ImageSearchTableViewCellModel in startSearch method.


import ReactiveCocoa
import ExampleModel

public final class ImageSearchTableViewModel: ImageSearchTableViewModeling {
    public var cellModels: AnyProperty<[ImageSearchTableViewCellModeling]> {
        return AnyProperty(_cellModels)
    private let _cellModels = MutableProperty<[ImageSearchTableViewCellModeling]>([])
    private let imageSearch: ImageSearching
    private let network: Networking

    public init(imageSearch: ImageSearching, network: Networking) {
        self.imageSearch = imageSearch = network

    public func startSearch() {
            .map { response in
                    ImageSearchTableViewCellModel(image: $0, network:
                        as ImageSearchTableViewCellModeling
            .on(next: { cellModels in
                self._cellModels.value = cellModels

At last, modify AppDelegate to add dependency injection of Networking to ImageSearchTableViewModel as shown below.


class AppDelegate: UIResponder, UIApplicationDelegate {
    var window: UIWindow?
    let container = Container() { container in
        // Models
        container.register(Networking.self) { _ in Network() }
        container.register(ImageSearching.self) { r in
            ImageSearch(network: r.resolve(Networking.self)!)

        // View models
        container.register(ImageSearchTableViewModeling.self) { r in
                imageSearch: r.resolve(ImageSearching.self)!,
                network: r.resolve(Networking.self)!)

        // Views
        container.registerForStoryboard(ImageSearchTableViewController.self) { r, c in
            c.viewModel = r.resolve(ImageSearchTableViewModeling.self)!

    // Omitted

Let’s modify and add unit tests for the updated ViewModel. First, modify ImageSearchTableViewModelSpec to add StubNetwork and pass its instance to the modified initializer of ImageSearchTableViewModel.


class ImageSearchTableViewModelSpec: QuickSpec {
    // MARK: Stub
    class StubImageSearch: ImageSearching {
        func searchImages() -> SignalProducer<ResponseEntity, NetworkError> {
            return SignalProducer { observer, disposable in

    class StubNetwork: Networking {
        func requestJSON(url: String, parameters: [String : AnyObject]?)
            -> SignalProducer<AnyObject, NetworkError>
            return SignalProducer.empty

        func requestImage(url: String) -> SignalProducer<UIImage, NetworkError> {
            return SignalProducer.empty

    // MARK: Spec
    override func spec() {
        var viewModel: ImageSearchTableViewModel!
        beforeEach {
            viewModel = ImageSearchTableViewModel(
                imageSearch: StubImageSearch(),
                network: StubNetwork())

        // Omitted

Add a dummy image instance to DummyResponse.swift. The instance will be used later.


let image1x1: UIImage = {
    UIGraphicsBeginImageContextWithOptions(CGSizeMake(1, 1), true, 0)
    let image = UIGraphicsGetImageFromCurrentImageContext()
    return image

Add stubs and unit tests to ImageSearchTableViewCellModelSpec as below.


import Foundation
import Quick
import Nimble
import ReactiveCocoa
@testable import ExampleModel
@testable import ExampleViewModel

class ImageSearchTableViewCellModelSpec: QuickSpec {
    // MARK: Stubs
    class StubNetwork: Networking {
        func requestJSON(url: String, parameters: [String : AnyObject]?)
            -> SignalProducer<AnyObject, NetworkError>
            return SignalProducer.empty

        func requestImage(url: String) -> SignalProducer<UIImage, NetworkError> {
            return SignalProducer(value: image1x1).observeOn(QueueScheduler())

    class ErrorStubNetwork: Networking {
        func requestJSON(url: String, parameters: [String : AnyObject]?)
            -> SignalProducer<AnyObject, NetworkError>
            return SignalProducer.empty

        func requestImage(url: String) -> SignalProducer<UIImage, NetworkError> {
            return SignalProducer(error: .NotConnectedToInternet)

    // MARK: Spec
    override func spec() {
        var viewModel: ImageSearchTableViewCellModel!
        beforeEach {
            viewModel = ImageSearchTableViewCellModel(
                image: dummyResponse.images[0],
                network: StubNetwork())

        describe("Constant values") {
            it("sets id.") {
            it("formats tag and page image size texts.") {
                    .toEventually(equal("1000 x 2000"))
                expect(viewModel.tagText).toEventually(equal("a, b"))
        describe("Preview image") {
            it("returns nil at the first time.") {
                var image: UIImage? = image1x1
                    .on(next: { image = $0 })

            it("eventually returns an image.") {
                var image: UIImage? = nil
                    .on(next: { image = $0 })

            it("returns an image on the main thread.") {
                var onMainThread = false
                    .skip(1) // Skips the first nil.
                    .on(next: { _ in onMainThread = NSThread.isMainThread() })

            context("with an image already downloaded") {
                it("immediately returns the image omitting the first nil.") {
                    var image: UIImage? = nil
                    viewModel.getPreviewImage().startWithCompleted {
                            .on(next: { image = $0 })

            context("on error") {
                it("returns nil.") {
                    var image: UIImage? = image1x1
                    let viewModel = ImageSearchTableViewCellModel(
                        image: dummyResponse.images[0],
                        network: ErrorStubNetwork())
                        .skip(1) // Skips the first nil.
                        .on(next: { image = $0 })


requestImage method of StubNetwork returns a SignalProducer sending the dummy image. That of ErrorStubNetwork returns a SignalProducer sending an error. Before adding new unit tests, refactoring is done on spec. The existing tests are grouped within describe("Constant values").

Five new unit tests for getPreviewImage method are added to describe("Preview image") group. The first test checks the SignalProducer sends nil as its first event. The second test checks it sends an image as the succeeding event. The third test checks the image event is sent on the main thread. The forth test checks a cached image is sent immediately in case the cache exists. The test is grouped within context because the test is in the certain condition. The fifth test checks that an error on Networking instance is converted and sent as nil. This test is also grouped within context.

Input Command-U and run the unit tests. Move on to the next section to implement our View.


First, we are going to add an extension to UITableViewCell in the same way as we did to NSObject. Add RACUtil.swift with the following content to ExampleView group. Make sure that it is added to ExampleView target. In the extension, rac_prepareForReuseSignal, as ReactiveCocoa Objective-C API, is transformed to a corresponding Swift instance. It sends an event with an empty tuple when prepareForReuse of UITableViewCell is invoked.


import UIKit
import ReactiveCocoa

internal extension UITableViewCell {
    internal var racutil_prepareForReuseProducer: SignalProducer<(), NoError>  {
        return self.rac_prepareForReuseSignal
            .map { _ in }
            .flatMapError { _ in SignalProducer(value: ()) }

Second, modify ImageSearchTableViewCell to update the image view when viewModel property is set. The signal of getPreviewImage is terminated upon reuse of the cell for another table row to avoid updating the cell with the image used for the previous row.


import UIKit
import ExampleViewModel
import ReactiveCocoa

internal final class ImageSearchTableViewCell: UITableViewCell {
    internal var viewModel: ImageSearchTableViewCellModeling? {
        didSet {
            tagLabel.text = viewModel?.tagText
            imageSizeLabel.text = viewModel?.pageImageSizeText

            if let viewModel = viewModel {
                    .on(next: { self.previewImageView.image = $0 })
            else {
                previewImageView.image = nil

    @IBOutlet weak var previewImageView: UIImageView!
    @IBOutlet weak var tagLabel: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var imageSizeLabel: UILabel!

Type Command-R and run the app. You will see each image view is filled like the following image.

SwinjectMVVMExample Images Displayed in Table View Cells

At last, add ImageSearchTableViewCellSpec.swift with the following content to ExampleViewTests group. Make sure that it is added to ExampleViewTests target.


import Quick
import Nimble
import ReactiveCocoa
import ExampleViewModel
@testable import ExampleView

class ImageSearchTableViewCellSpec: QuickSpec {
    class MockViewModel: ImageSearchTableViewCellModeling {
        let id: UInt64 = 0
        let pageImageSizeText = ""
        let tagText = ""

        var getPreviewImageStarted = false

        func getPreviewImage() -> SignalProducer<UIImage?, NoError> {
            return SignalProducer<UIImage?, NoError> { observer, _ in
                self.getPreviewImageStarted = true

    override func spec() {
        it("starts getPreviewImage signal producer when its view model is set.") {
            let viewModel = MockViewModel()
            let view = createTableViewCell()

            expect(viewModel.getPreviewImageStarted) == false
            view.viewModel = viewModel
            expect(viewModel.getPreviewImageStarted) == true

private func createTableViewCell() -> ImageSearchTableViewCell {
    let bundle = NSBundle(forClass: ImageSearchTableViewCell.self)
    let storyboard = UIStoryboard(name: "Main", bundle: bundle)
    let tableViewController = storyboard
        as! ImageSearchTableViewController
    return tableViewController.tableView
        as! ImageSearchTableViewCell

The test checks, with a mock of ImageSearchTableViewCellModeling, getPreviewImage is called when viewModel property of ImageSearchTableViewCell is set.

Input Command-U to run the test. Passed! We have finished implementing the table view displaying images that are asynchronously loaded from the network. Remember now we have not only the implementation but also the unit tests that give us confidence to keep developing working software!


In this blog post, we implemented the feature to asynchronously load an image to UIImageView in MVVM architecture. We learned how to add new methods to protocols and their conforming classes with the update of unit tests in Model, ViewModel and View. The dependency injection to ViewModel was also updated during the implementation. ReactiveCocoa was used throughout the Model, ViewModel and View to pass and handle events in the abstracted way.

Through the series of the blog posts, we learned:

  • Part 1: The concepts and basics of MVVM and ReactiveCocoa.
  • Part 2: The setup of Xcode project composed of MVVM framework targets with external frameworks installed via Carthage.
  • Part 3: The model design using protocols to decouple our app from external system, e.g. network.
  • Part 4: ViewModel and View implementation with dependencies injected by AppDelegate.
  • Part 5: Modification of Model, ViewModel and View to add a new feature with unit tests updated.

We did not only develop the example app but wrote unit tests1 that use stubs and mocks of protocols representing MVVM interfaces. Keeping the cycle to add protocols, implementations, and unit tests in MVVM architecture, we are always confident to develop the project further. Decoupling of Model, View and ViewModel by using the abstracted events of ReactiveCocoa and dependency injection with Swinject is the key to the cycle.

The series of the blog posts ends here, but the project in the GitHub repository has further development to show image details, to receive more image data when scrolled to the bottom of the table, to handle errors and to add localization. If you are interested, check the project. Adding a star to Swinject project is highly appreciated.

  1. The blog posts always wrote unit tests after implementing features, but actually tests should be written first or together with the feature implementation. [return]